posting ni khas utk bebdk yg akn fly.joko,zact,paan n rmai lg..sdey gak la korg semua,aku,kutik,vege,batang n boy tngu korg blik..blaja geghajin weh..
N utk bebdk adp pun..slmat berjya.
Cngrats to all
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
fallen angel
Saturday, July 18, 2009
from the phne
Friday, March 13, 2009
rasta ,baby!!

sbnanrnya tajuk tu xde kaitan pun..hahahha..
nk bgthu je..ari tu aku lepak bb dgn bdk2 ni (7.3.2009)..
best2..kitorg shisha dkt tarbush then smbung dk dpn kfc bb tu..
then esoknya jumpa si lovely aliyana n...
dia belikan aku satu flip flop yg cmbest (cntik smpai x snggup pakai)

n she bought me couple tees..hahha..comel je..

sbb rmai sgt org tny jd aku kena la jwb kan..hahahah.. lg2 dgn sarah si penyibuk yg x reti nk reply msg pastu bngun tido pukul 3.. basically, dkt sana aku ambik 7 subjek..3 major n lainnya minor.. yg major; nahu, sorof n feqah..minor pula; imla',kisah nabi, terjemah quran,ni yg bhasa arab.. meh sini gua story; nahu ni ialah tatabahasa arab, sorof ialah perubahan kata dlm bhasa arab.. n feqah ialah hukum hakam tp aku baru blajar yg plg basic je.. ni yg minor; imla' ni tulisan ar..mcm blaja tulis jawi.. kisah nabi ni kitorg blaja kitab bhasa arab n translate then terangkan dari segi tatabhasa.. terjemah quran guna by words n yg plg basic sekali.. bhasa arab ni mcm biasalaa..subjek plg aku lemah..hahaha plg aku minat sorof n feqah..nahu minat juga tp still lemah,. p/s;semua aku blajar ni kira yg plg basic tau.. byk2la doakan aku yea..
"sonnet 16" by aliyana

If i kneew it would be the last time I'd see u fall asleep,
I would tuck u in more tightly.
If i kneew it would be the last time I'd hear ur voice,
Lifted in praise.
If i kneew it would be the last time I'd be there to share ur day,
Well I'm sure u'll have so many more so I can let just this one slip away.
If i kneew it would be the last time I could spare an extra minute,
To stop and say 'I LOVE U' instead of assuming u would know i do.
For surely there's always tomorrow,
To make from an oversight and we always get chance to make everything right.
Today maybe the last chance for me to hold u tight so that i not regret the day,
Hold my loved ones close.
But u didn't take extra time for a smile, a hug, a kiss,
Because u are too busy to grant someone that turned out to be my last wish.
p/s; she's so lovely, dont u think so? ;D
Thursday, March 12, 2009
bilaku bosan...

benda yg aku suka buat ialah;
1.jalan sorg2 smbil dgr fave tracks dkt phone
2.indulge in good foods (tp x gmuk2 pun)
3.texting a few good friends of me
4.baca mags
5.window shopping or shopping betul2,, fast
7.lepak tgk org lain happy n suddenly aku jd happy skali with my cool guys
9.buat org happy supaya aku rasa happy..:D
10.maybe tu je..n, aku suka lepak tmpat yg glimmering n lantai dia berkilat..(pelik kan) watevaa
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